CHURCH of GOD CHURCH of GOD Chicago Distnet eW(J July-August 1966 Mr. Waterhouse to be in Chicago The Chicago area Churches of God are eagerly awaiting the arrival of one of God's evangelists, Mr. Gerald Waterhouse. During his brief stay here, he will show slides of the various areas of the world where he has been assigned. Mr. Waterhouse will arrive in Chicago on Tuesday, August 23. His crowded schedule follows: AUGUST 23: Slides will be shown to the Chicago and LaGrange Churches at 7:.10 P.M. in the Exhibit Hall, J Ith Floor of the Chicago Sheraton Hotel. AUGUST 24: Chicago-LaGrange Bible Study, 7:.10 the Keyman's Club. AUGUST 25: Slides will be shown to the Chicago Southside Church at 7:30 P.M. in the Gold Room of the Southmoor Hotel, 67th and Stony Island. AUGUST 26: Slides will be shown at the Peoria Bible Study. AUGUST 27: Sabbath Services at 10:00 A.M. for the Southside Church at the usual location and at I :00 P.M. for the combined Chicago-LaGrange Churches in the Keyman's Club. In addition to all this, a Chicago district ministerial conference will be held on August 24 and 25, with Mr. Waterhouse in charge and Mr. Bill McDowell acting as host. Mr. and Mrs. Hoops greets Chicago area Meet Mr. and Mrs. Hoops by D. Alexander The Chicago area churches warmly welcome Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoops, and' Beauregard to the Midwest area. We know even from the short time that they have been here that we will grow to love them as much as the brethren in the Pittsburg area did while they were there. After you have had the opportunity to meet Mr. and Mrs. Hoops, and hear his helpful and sincere sermons, you will understand the reason for this feeling. Are you wondering "who is this Beauregard?" "Is he one of the children?" "What an unusual name!" No, Mr. and Mrs. Hoops (better known as Mr. Bob Hoops) have no children, and Beauregard is a delightful ball of fur; a very small. very friendly puppy only a few months old! After you have had the opportunity, as we have had, to hold him cuddled in your hands, and had his small tongue, like a red rose petal, tickle your fingers, you will delight In (Continued on page 7) @HURCH of GOD ...,.... JVeWJ Editor-in-Chief .... Bill McDowell Ministerial Advisor Allen Manteufel Editor Wilbur Ball News Editors Harold Stocker Ted Efimov Jim Howell Jack Freel Regional Reporters Chicago Fred Mancewicz LaGrange Dick Alexander Chicago South Elisha Crim Danville Gene Scarbrough South Bend Raymond Johnson Grand Rapids Roland Van Slooten Indianapolis Donald Hofmann Milwaukee Ly!e Vershowske Minneapolis Russell Brown Nashville Ken Wingham Peoria Jean Dawson Evansville William Ogden Duluth Richland Center Photographers Wilbur Vandermolen Ihor Karpowitz Wayne Meyer Business Manager Ted Efimov Circulation Gene Madison «) 1966 by Radio Church of God Address all correspondence to the Editor. Notify us immediately of any changes of Address. Circulation over 2600. Lale Breaking News: F1. WA YNE -NEW CHURCH IN THE CHICAGO DISTRICT! Effective August 20, Mr. John Bald will pastor the newly raised Ft. Wayne, Indiana Church. He will also continue at the Indianapolis Church as he has in the past. * Mr. Jack Pyle will replace Mr. Bald as minister at the Danville, Illinois Church. This assignment will be in addition to his present duties at the Peoria church. * * * As a result of these changes, the Dixon Rible study will be discontinued. Equally vital-what a child learns over his father's knee is fully as important as what he learns at his mother's knee. I SOUTfi ~ENO .' *H~ GA~Y : EUHAU :::; .......,'''\,'.. ~"w"" S'IINGI'I!~D , .. _---=-:.;;--( What ';:;':"t-···::~:- PAI/VIll{ ,.- Is Your : .. ;0;"" ~ "::~~'" ___ _I'" INDIANA ••71 , _H2 .. Erf[~GHA" \:--~~---~ C·:~o:~:~o. ) CENUAlPA • 01','-. WAS~~~GTON \~. /,/ " 11P1 *'""""" by Mr, Bill McDo"l'/ell Not long ago, the United States Post Office came out with the revolutionary sorting process known as the ZIP CODE. This dramatic change has already saved untold time and money for the Post Office Department. The Work of God has also been able to save countless hours and effort by this simple process. All our IBM records are set up to correspond to it, all the mailing is dictated by it, all the ministers visit according to it, and all the local churches and those who attend are directly affected by it. To simplify the work for all concerned, Headquarters has set up each local church according to certain Zip areas. Once the line has been decided and drawn, each person who lives in an area assigned, or "ZIPPED," to a particular church is expected to attend that church. He should NOT simply "attend the church of his choice!" Some have been attending different churches as they pleased and at their leisure. This should not be done without permission of the minister in charge. It only leads to confusion, and the individual might miss a very important sermon that would be especially helpful to him in particular! Of course, there are exceptions. Some must attend a particular church which may be out of their area due to transportation, health, and other varied problems. This is certainly allowable, but the minister in the local area must approve such a switch and Headquarters must be informed. Because the inauguration of this system is still relatively new to all of us, we need the help and cooperation of each member to make it function 1)[operly and effectively. If you are attending a local church out of your area, please write the minister in charge and inform him of this, including an explanation. In particular, the problem includes Chicago and LaGrange. There has been some confusion due to the proximity of the churches. Please notice carefully the accompanying map and determine where you should be attending! ALL THOSE WITH THE FOLLOWING FIRST THREE ZIP NUMBERS SHOULD ATTEND CHICAGO: 600, 601, 602, 603, 606, 610, and 611. The full number would be, for example, 60623, 60035, or 61120. ALL THOSE WITH THE FOLLOWING ZIP NUMBERS SHOULD ATTEND LA GRANGE: 604, 605, and 609. For those in Indiana: 463 and 464. If for some reason, you live in one area and are attending another church, please let us know as soon as possible and give your reasons. If perhaps you may have misunderstood which area you are in, it should be only a simple matter to begin attending the proper church. If you have an extenuating circumstance, however, please inform us and help us to better serve you. Mail all your "ZIP problems" for the Chicago-LaGrange area to: BILL McDOWELL, P. O. Box 356, Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 Thank you for your help in this matter! 2 MII.WAUKEE MEMOS A couple of days to go; then they are on their way to Orr. Christine Endries, Gregory Endries. Peter Endries, Eileen Neuendorf, Susan Holmgren, and Karen Booth are privileged to have an enjoyable summer. Summer brings visitors and we have been very happy to have them with us for Sabbath services. Oil June 4, Mr. Allen Manteufel had the Wisconsin churches since Mr. George Meeker was on vacation. It had been quite sometime Manteufel and Krueger since the Manteufels had been with us and we certainly did enjoy having them back. Then on June 11, Mr. Kermit Nelson and family stopped over on their way to Orr, Minnesota for the summer camp. Mr. Gary Irving and family were home for the first time in several years as he attended Ambassador in Pasadena, and now makes his home in Sacramento, California. This was the day that Mr. Bill Freeland was introduced to us Wisconsinites as Mr. Meeker's assistant. Although we haven't had time to become well acquainted as yet, his big smile and zesty voice make him easy to listen to. The sun was hot, but the men had lots of ambition anyway as they played 4 games of ball. It was the Milwaukee Church picnic, June 26, 1966. Among other adivities were horseshoes, followed by an airplane contest which Dyle Koch and Mark A Flyboy gathering Roth won, and baking contest for the girls that was divided into two age groups. Eloise Kleier won in the 16-21 group and Vicky Dostal won in the younger group. The women played some volley ball and there was plenty of food, drink, and visiting-all the necessary components to make it a wonderful time. It is with deep feeling that we all extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kampe at the death of their son Mark on June 24th. IN AND AROUND CHICAGO SOUTII SIDE-ESTHERLENE HOLMES • Who said hi.~tory is dull? The South Side Church has concluded conseclltive Bible studies covering the history of the Church. By the way, have you sent for Mr. Meredith's thesis on the Protestant Reformation, or Dr. Hoeh's discOllrse on Chllrch History? • MR. McDOWELL delivered an interesting lectllre to the SOllth Side Church on June 12 on the Origin and Purpose of marriage. • The next time you see MRS. LILLIAN HUDDLESTON, notice her hat. She makes them all. Other ladies also wear her fabulous creations. • Did YOIl know that MR. ELBERT ATLAS is now a PreachElder, and Mr. Dean Blackwell's hrother Tom is a Local Elder? Good news travels fast from Pasadena! • Little JENNIFER LYNN was hom JlIne 13 to MR. AND MRS. GEORGE BAILEY; AUSA topped the scales at 8 pounds when she was horn 011 JUlie 27 to MR. AND MRS. ULYSSES HAYES. Congratulations. parents . • It seems we receive quite a few visitors from other church areas-Tom Oakley, a member oj the visiting team in Greenshoro, North Carolina, spent a weekend here. Mrs. Jones and daughter, Rita, are visiting from Greenshoro, Mississippi. Tina Rohinson came to visit her "Pittshurgh Pal," Linda Burkley. Mr. Earnest Lee was our visitor from Seattle. We won't see Mr. Lee in Texas this year -he'll he in Long Beach. Gerald Mann, brother of Ralph, finished college in Texas and came to Chicago to stay. Welcome all! • Congratulations recent graduates: Stanford Graham, Willie Johnson. Sandra Childress, Hattie Rogers, Judith Ann Woods, Michael Mosley . • SAM GILLESPIE and VERONICA JORDAN are now united. They were married on June 11 by Mr. Frank McCrady in Indianapolis. The couple then journeyed to Chicago for the reception at the home of Mr. Harold Jackson. LA GRANGE NEWS -L TLLIAN FOSTER • We receive the next announcement with mixed emotions. MRS. LANE and her daughter NANCY are going to be leaving us. We in LaGrange are very sad to see Mrs. Lane leave us to attend the Atlanta, Georgia Church . We love her very N d M Lane much and she will be greatly missed. ancy an rs. On the other hand, we are VERY HAPPY to see Nancy leave . .. yes, you guessed it ... She was accepted for Ambassador College, Texas Campus.• Several weeks ago. MR. AND MRS. GIBBS and children had the wonderful privilege to visit Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell and their children. They mentioned that Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell both look well and have a wonderful dark tan from the sun. Gina, Rhonda and Bonnie, are really growing and Jeffrey is developing quite a southern accent! Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell went out for dinner Saturday night while Rhonda Gibbs took all of the children to the movies . • Anyone who had the opportunity to play soccer at the church picnic will agree it is one of the most fun filled games on record. In the opinion of some, it tops the fun of playing volley ball or even baseball. MR. MANCEWICZ is quite a star in this game. If you ever play soccer and Mr. Mancewicz is participating-be sure you get on his team and you'll win for sure. • One way to swell the attendance figures is to have babies-and the LaGrange families have been very obliging, especially in these last few weeks-a few of the newborn are: The Mazurance baby-Neal Edward 7 lbs. 2 oz., May 19, 1966 The Griggs baby-Tammie Louise 7 lbs. 5 oz., May 31, 1966 The Adkins baby-Rebecca 7 lbs. 9 oz., June 21, 1966 The Marshall baby-Robert Eugene, Jr. 8 lbs. 11 oz., June 29. The Arlie Patterson baby-Samuel Arlie 8 lbs. 2 oz., July 2,1966 3 Local Elder Leaves for Pasadena! Mr. Joseph Tkach Th(' ~e two piclllres were taken on the IlIO/'IIil1f.: of JlIly 17 during Ihe moving process for Ihe Tkach family. In one pielllrc lire SC\'('/'1I1 lIlen of the church lI·ho "1('111 II halld" ill lhis difficult task; Ihe other pholo shows the very fine A IIlhll.llllt/or Collef.:(' w illi-frailer which il dril'{'l1 hy Mr. Archie McNair. This Il'IIck is kcpf hl/.I}· lIloving ministers' {)()ls(, lsiol/.l alld church supplies. by Fred Mancewicz Our wen known and respected local Elder Joseph Tkach (known to many as TK) is being sent to Headquarters to take special training at Ambassador College. Those old timers In the Chicago Church might wel1 have predicted this, for since he was baptized In 1958, he has been a zealous and dedicated servant of the church brethern. It was soon recognized that he had God-given abilities and a degree of maturity that could be used. Before an "official" visiting team was established in Chicago, both Mr. and Mrs. Tkach were requested to visit among the brethren to help where they could. When the first Spokesman Club was formed in Chicago he was among those chosen to be a club officer. He was a pearl in the rough when it came to giving speeches. Because he was born and reared of foreign-born parents, he developed what became known as the Chicago "slanguage." Yet through ----_. . -"._ .._..-.. -... --perseverence and the help of his wife, work in school. Tanya was an A stuhe overcame this handicap until he dent while Jennifcr received awards for qualified to give sermonettes and later her science projects. sermons in many churches of the Chicago District today. Because time allowed, the people showed their love and respect for the It was January of 1961 that Mr. Tkachs' in a tangible way. First the Tkach was ordained as a Deacon. He Chicago-LaGrange Choir which they fulfil1ed this office so wel1 that he was served, honored them with a r arty at actuall y doing a job of a local cider. the home of Mrs. Vance. They pre- This was recognized and he was or-sented them with a pair of beautiful dained to that office Pentecost of 1963. silver candelabra. They also were given M r. Tkach will quickly tell you that a picture album containing memorable the successful life he has enjoyed so candid shots from the two Choir Confar, began with the rough but helpful certs and many Church socials. training his Russian born father g